Mia you turned two months old on January 2, 2012! You are becoming your own little person nowadays! You started smiling & it is one of the best things ever!! You had such a fussy first month & you are starting to become such a happy little baby girl!! You have started smiling a lot & we just love to see you smile… when the days are crazy & hectic {which happens a lot with your wild crazy sister running around here} your little smiles just make mommy & daddy so happy!!
{4 weeks old}
this month you weigh 10lbs 14oz… I can’t believe you weigh this much already! you don’t seem to me like you are getting much bigger, you still fit in newborn clothes & wear a size 1 diaper… shoes, well you have the tiniest feet & your socks barely stay on!
{5 weeks old}
at around 5 weeks old you started “talking” {cooing} & we just love it! you say a lot of “ah”s! you “talk” mostly when you are laying flat & just smiling away at us!
{6 weeks old}
at around 6 weeks old you started sleeping much better!! you went from going to bed around 10pm & waking up at 12am, 3am & 5:30/6am to going to bed around 9/9:30pm & waking up around 3am & 6am. now you go to sleep around 9/10pm & wake up usually once around 4/5/6am…but once you wake up around 6am you are up for about an hour just smiling away & not wanting to go back to sleep!
{7 weeks old}
we have had a hard time figuring out which formula is best for you this month. we are pretty sure that you had an allergic reaction {a horrible rash all over your head & upper chest} from it so we tried hypoallergenic formula, it was stinky & you didn’t like it you went from eating 4oz bottles to taking a hour just to finish a 2 oz bottle & it was a lot of forced feedings. you still had the rash, but it was clearing up. that formula only lasted a week & we decided to try soy formula to see if you liked it better, the first bottle you gulped down & you continue to love it. your rash is finally all cleared up!! but the soy formula gave you pooping problems so we took you to the dr & she told us to give you a little bit of prune juice everyday. it worked perfectly & now we hope that we have gotten all your formula problems figured out! yay! I am also still nursing you when I am home or around you & throughout the night!
we can’t believe that you are already two months old!!! I feel like it was just yesterday that I was waddling around with you still in my belly! & your sister is just crazy about you! she just laughs & gets so excited when you interact with her or when you grab onto her hand or her fingers!
this month you celebrated your first christmas & it was just so wonderful to have you in our home to celebrate with!! you were the perfect christmas gift for our family this year!