Sunday, August 7, 2011

things to remember…

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how cute this face looks with glazed donuts all over it after a saturday morning breakfast & this is her coming over asking for more donuts. mollie could & probably would eat the entire dozen of glazed donuts if we let her!DSCN0759edit2

in the morning when we get you out of your crib you either point to things in your room and name them like “minnie” for the minnie on your back pack, or “pooh” & “pigyet” from the decals that are on your walls…  when your play kitchen was moved downstairs for a bit every morning when you woke up you would look at the empty spot & say “kit-yen, what happen?” you were so serious like someone stole it in the middle of the night!DSCN0760

you have been on a movie kick this summer! you can actually sit & watch a movie for about 30 minutes now.. you are so funny to watch while you are watching the movies, you raise your eyebrows up & down & smile & laugh at the movie.. your fav movies lately are “balloons”(up), “toys”(toy story), “cinaweya” (cinderella), “big sisser dowa” (Big Sister Dora), “doggies”(101 dalmations)


while we were driving in the car the other day you were looking at the sky & pointing out the window & you said “oh, baby”, “elephant” , “yion” & I was so confused & kept asking you what you meant & then I realized that we had been watching the movie up a million times & in this scene they are looking at the clouds & the clouds are shaped like babies, elephants, and other things…. I started laughing so hard & could not believe that she remembered that…

there is never a dull moment around here!

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