Saturday, January 15, 2011

♥ sick days... ♥

So the week of Christmas Mollie got bronchitis & gave it to me too! It was her present for me I think this christmas! She had to be put on a nebulizer which is no fun 3 times a day...
our poor girl seems to have been sick ever since she started daycare but thats what happens! anyways she got over her bronchitis & was good for about a week &a week ago her cough came back so I took her to the dr on last friday for her bronchitis follow up & mentioned the cough being back but the dr said everything looked ok that it might be a virus she just caught or teeth cause yes 2 more teeth are coming in.  Saturday night she got a fever of 103F so i figured it was an ear infection since that is the only time she has spiked high temps like that so that night we decided to take her to the children's urgent care & it ends up that she had RSV. So they sent us home with  more breathing treatments (every 4 hours) & told us to followup sunday or with pediatrician on monday.  So monday dr put her on steriods and continue the treatments every 4 hours.  After 2 days home from school we had to send her back on Wed & she seemed to be doing better &on Friday we had to go back to dr for a follow up &she only had slight wheezing Thank God! We still have to do the nebulizer until she doesnt sound congested.. who knows how long that will take! so we have been pretty busy & pretty tired especially having to wake up every 4 hours at night to do the treatment &oh we caught her cold again!
Pictures from last week....
this face says it all...
 hi elmo

 brushing her teeth

 wagon ride to feed the ducks

 this gets her in a lot of trouble, but ... she just doesnt care
 she insists on wearing her sunglasses all the time...

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