Our day started off with the windows open enjoying the 67 degree weather... Ya that doesn't happen often around here!
Mollie had a yummy breakfast & daddy gave her a cookie for dessert...
mmm... chocolate chip cookies...
These are great momma!
Then we went to chickfila for lunch again... yum!
Then we ran to Target & then home to play...
While I was cleaning, Mollie was so busy playing with her fridge farm & somewhere along the fun she decided to start hiding her fridge farm animal magnets in the laundry closet...
back for another animal...
got one...
back to the closet...
wow, I did a good job...
Then it was nap time & after nap time we went to the park to play on the swings & let mollie ride her 4 wheeler some..
She loves the swings...
How cute is her new Florida State shirt!! Its soo cute...
Then it was home for another nap, dinner, bath time & bed...
I think she was trying to stick then to the washer- same white finish- Smart girl