Friday, February 19, 2010

Mollie's 1st Date

 Mollie went over & visited her boyfriend Jake last night.  First, she kept turning her head away from him when they were standing next to her. We though good! She is playing hard to get.... Then when we sat them next to each other she put her hand in his lap... and then Jake grab the ruffles on Mollie's shirt (note the location of those ruffles) Nick said "Whoa, Jake!" ha ha
We then tried sweet potatoes today since all she would do was spit out the cereal.
 She loved them and ate them all!
And she also got a sassy seat that hangs in the door frame.
She was laughing in it.

1 comment:

  1. DJ wants to know who Jake is and wants to meet him out back and tell him to keep his hands off his girlfriend! LOL
