mollie L.O.V.E.S to sing!!! loves it! she walks around all day & sings away! when she started the 2 year old class at school she learned so many songs & they sound super cute in her little voice! she sings…
~ {mean by taylor swift} she knows the whole chorus & loves when in comes on the radio & has a big old smile while she sings it & then when it is over she asks “again?”
~{happy ber-day} she is into singing happy birthday to everyone lately! she sings “happy ber-day to mommy, hap ber-day to youuuuu, woo!” & she goes through & sings it to everyone she knows & sometimes her stuffed animals like minnie & also to her sissy!
~{jesus loves me} she knows that whole song now and sings it so cute & makes a muscle at the strong part of the song!
~{good morning song}