Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mollie’s 2nd Birthday!

mollie’s 2nd birthday party Princesses in Candy Land was a lot of fun! I let mollie pick out a lot of things for her party like.. the colors of things like the balloons, streamers, plates & silverware!  we had her party at a local park that has a playground & a water play area! mollie & her friends had a great time playing in the water & on the playground.

{treat buckets for the pinata & a bunch of candy, princess bracelets, mustaches for the princes & princess wands for the kids to fill up their buckets with}{princess cupcakes, cake pops & glazed donuts-mollie’s two favorite things & a little cake for mollie because she is that special!

{we had fried chicken & potato salad, cheese puffs & chips}{Candy Land banner}{daddy & the birthday girl!}DSCN0921{mommy & daddy & the birthday girl}

{pinata time!}


getting ready for mollie’s birthday party!


I am sooo excited for mollie’s 2nd birthday party this year! it is going to be princes & princesses in candyland & I hope she likes it! she has been walking around the house singing '” ha day to you, ha day to you” it is so cute…


we have been trying out some of our recipes, I am trying to learn how to make cake pops since mollie absolutely loves them but I cant get the darn chocolates to melt correctly… but don’t worry nick says “its so simple just follow the directions” so he thinks he can do it so I am going to let him try just for a laugh! ha & I am trying out this afternoon 3 dips that sound like they are probably the best tasting thing on earth so I  really hope so!!!

we are practicing teaching mollie how to do two with her fingers… but I am not sure why, because that’s when a lot of the “freebies” go away haha!!!& she’s already trying out the TERRIBLE TWOS & I think she likes them although we do not! the knock down drag out fights for EVERYTHING are no fun especially with this huge belly I have!!!

daily life…

more pigtails… they are just too cute!


I found mollie laying on the bathroom floor feeding her baby…I hope I never have to do this… hahaIMG00129-20110827-1015IMG00130-20110827-1015

more baby feeding, she is just loving her babies these days she plays with them all the time. I hope she is preparing to be a big sister!?IMG00131-20110827-1145

before school the other morning… poor girl hates getting us when it is still dark out!IMG00133-20110829-0628

all ready for school!

dressed, hair done & enjoying milk & max & ruby’s halloween movieIMG00134-20110829-0637

chick fil a breakfast makes any morning better!IMG00139-20110831-0704

some more latte fun…

last weekend we took mollie back to latte fun to let her play & it was a lot better because there was only about 7 kids there compared to the million last time we went.


people MUST think that we neglect this poor girl, especially her two teachers at school since she has constantly for the past two weeks had 2 or 3 bandaids all over her just for fun…

but mollie use to HATE band aids & would scream if we needed to put one on her for something so were letting her wear them for now since she will & hopefully we wont go back to that screaming phase! haDSCN0885DSCN0886